Success Coach & Accessibility Support Specialist 828-659-0489
Suggestions for Students & Parents
You are your best advocate! College is a great time to learn how to advocate for yourself.
Some accommodations require extra time, so self-identifying and requesting accommodations as soon as possible is imperative.
Attend classes and follow instructions provided in the class syllabus concerning absences, emergency needs, or other information specific to a class.
If possible inform your instructor ahead of time of any absences.
Contact other outside agencies for possible eligibility for additional services.
Arrange for personal attendants if needed, whether paid for by an agency or family (colleges are not required under ADA to provide personal attendants, tutors, or personal items such as hearing aids, prostheses, individually designed and fitted special extensions or wands for a computer or other resource operation).
Students with disabilities should process their own college business i.e., registration, drop/add, refunds, etc.