MTCC surveys students annually in seeking to improve the college’s programs and services. Graduates are consistently satisfied with their overall MTCC experience.
Based on MTCC students who transferred in the fall 2020.
Dual enrollment students take college courses while enrolled in high school. Students who are dual enrolled at MTCC are exceedingly successful in their coursework. During the fall 2019 term, the average course success rate for dual enrollment students was 90%.
Course success rate is defined as completing a course and earning a grade of A, B, or C. 90% Average Course Success Rate Fall 2021.
Students enrolled in the McDowell Early College have a high retention rate. Retention is defined as the percentage of students from the previous fall who either graduate or re-enroll the next fall.
From Fall 2019 to Fall 2020 100% of students were either re-enrolled or had completed a credential.
Over 2.5 million dollars in financial aid was awarded to students during the 2019 – 2020 academic year. Of first-time, full-time students 86% were awarded financial aid. The average financial aid package was $6,135.
54 College Drive
Marion, NC 28752