Home » Accessibility Services » Accessibility Forms
Lydia Warpoole
Success Coach & Accessibility Support Specialist
Students with disabilities who are transitioning to college, or high school students taking college classes, may request accommodations from McDowell Technical Community College for those classes.
This form will tell you the steps to follow to request accommodations.
McDowell Technical Community College is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (2008). The purpose of this form is to assist McDowell Technical Community College in determining whether, or to what extent, a reasonable accommodation will allow a student access to equal opportunity in educational pursuits.
This form authorizes MTCC's Accessibility Coordinator to release/disclose your accommodations to persons/organizations outside of MTCC.
To facilitate your learning experiences at McDowell Tech, we ask that you complete the following information and return this form, along with proper documentation, to Accessibility Services.
Rights and Responsibilities for Students with Disabilities in Career and College Promise presentation from the NC Community College System Office.
Understand the difference in laws, documentation, and student rights and responsibilities between high school and college.
Consent form to release accommodation information to instructors.
By submitting this form, you are giving McDowell Tech Accessibility Services permission to send your accommodations to your instructors every semester until you are no longer enrolled.
If you want your accommodations sent only to select instructors, then you must submit this form every semester that you enroll.
Access all Accessibility Services documentation in one comprehensive packet.
54 College Drive
Marion, NC 28752