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Healthcare Information Technology
HIT Program Policies and Student Handbook
- Students must achieve a “C or better” on all HIT, MED, BIO and OST curriculum courses and maintain at least a 2.2 GPA after being accepted and enrolling in the program to satisfy the progression policy.
- If a student makes less than a compliant grade of “C or better”, or does not maintain a 2.2 GPA, the student will be dismissed from the program. To be reinstated into the program, the student must request readmission in writing to the program chair and submit a written improvement plan to his/her advisor for approval. If approved, the student may enroll the next semester with the understanding that all future grades in the program must be compliant. Without approval of both the request for readmission and improvement plan, the student will be ineligible to progress in the program and will not have his/her Advisor Hold lifted for future enrollment until the student submits a Change of Major Form.
- One dismissal and one readmission is allowed after initial admission. The noncompliant grade constitutes a dismissal.
- Approval of a request for readmission and an improvement plan constitutes one allowed readmission.
- To be approved, the improvement plan must incorporate strategies to be successful such as tutoring, or reducing the course load from full-time to part-time as discussed with one’s academic advisor.
- The student who is readmitted will be on probation until a compliant grade is achieved, which must occur in the next consecutive semester that the course is offered to continue in the program.
- If the student makes two noncompliant grades within a single semester, the second noncompliant grade will fall under the one allowed dismissal. The procedure for requesting readmission and submitting an improvement plan must address strategies to be successful in both courses.
- A second or third non-compliant grade in a second semester constitutes dismissal with no option to request readmission. (If the student was readmitted after receiving two noncompliant grades in the same semester, the student has no remaining readmission left; if the student makes a single noncompliant grade in two separate semesters, the student has no remaining readmissions left.)
- If the student received three or more noncompliant grades in a single semester, he/she is not eligible for readmission for five years.
- If the student has been readmitted once, and then makes a noncompliant grade, he/she is not eligible for readmission for five years.
- A student who has not met the Progression Policy and has been dismissed from the MTCC HIT program due to non compliant grades may reapply for a second readmission to the program 5 years after the last semester of enrollment. If accepted, the student will remain on probation for 3 semesters. A single noncompliant grade will constitute dismissal with no allowed readmission.
- To maintain accountability to program outcomes, students must take all courses in the HIT curriculum at MTCC once admitted.
- It is recommended that the HIT degree program be completed in five (5) consecutive semesters and the HIT diploma program be completed in three to five (5) semesters. Degree students must complete the HIT curriculum within eleven (11) consecutive semesters; diploma students must complete the program within seven (7) consecutive semesters. For students not following the full-time program of study to complete the HIT degree or diploma programs, all general education and related courses must be taken prior to taking HIT prefixed courses. (HIT 110, 112 and HIT 114 the exception.) This will provide a greater opportunity for students to maintain the body of knowledge needed for success on the national “RHIT” exam and/or the “CCS” and/or “CCS-P” exam
- If the student does not complete the degree program within 11 semesters or the diploma program within 7 semesters, the student must start repeating courses that were taken outside of these time limits.
- Contact the Program Director in writing to request readmission.
- If the readmission was due to noncompliant grades, a written improvement plan must also be submitted to the faculty advisor. Once both steps are completed:
- Meet current admission requirements.
- Update medical information and other clinical requirements such as background check and drug screen as directed by the faculty advisor.
- Students called to active military duty while enrolled in the HIT Program will be readmitted with the same academic status that he/she has when last attended.
- Students who have been dismissed twice from the program due to non-compliant grades are not eligible for readmission for 5 years.
- Students who have been dismissed as a result of unsatisfactory clinical performance are not eligible for readmission to the program for 5 years after the last semester of enrollment.
- Any student readmitted to the HIT Program due to non-compliant grades will be required to repeat any HIT courses that are more than three (3) years old.
- Only students who have been enrolled in a CAHIIM-accredited HIT program are eligible to apply under these policies. Applicants from HIT programs that were not CAHIIM-accredited at the time of enrollment must follow the admission steps of the new applicants and retake all HIT coursework.
- To be eligible to apply as a transfer student, applicants must not have made more than two noncompliant grades (less than a C or better).
- Students who have left a CAHIIM-accredited HIT program as a result of unsatisfactory clinical performance that resulted in dismissal will not be eligible for transfer.
- If accepted, a single noncompliant grade will constitute dismissal with no option to apply for readmission.
- If accepted, the student will be required to repeat any HIT & OST prefix courses that are more than 2 years old upon admission and repeat any C-level HIT & OST coursework that is less than 2 years old upon admission. HIT and OST courses that are less than 2 years old with a B grade or higher upon admission do not have to be retaken.
- All professional practice experience (clinical) courses must be repeated, no matter their age.
- Acceptance is contingent upon availability of clinical space in the program.
- Students transferring into the HIT program must completed at least 25% of the credit hours required for a degree, diploma or certificate at McDowell Technical Community College. Within the 25%, at least eighteen (18) semester hours must be major course work (HIT) for a degree or diploma.
- To be considered for transfer:
- Contact the Program Director in writing to request the transfer.
- If the request for transfer was due to noncompliant grades, a written improvement plan must also be submitted to the faculty advisor.
- Once both steps 1 & 2 are completed:
- meet current admission requirements
- Submit medical information and other clinical requirements such as background check and drug screen as directed by the faculty advisor.
- Option 1: Advanced Placement with Credit by Examination (Please note that courses completed with the credit by examination option are awarded the grade ‘CR’ and do not typically transfer to another college or university.
- Eligibility Criteria (Students who are currently working in the HIM or medical records field and have been employed in that field for 5 or more years may be eligible to receive credit by examination. Documentation of employment is REQUIRED in the form of an employer letter).
- Register and enroll in the course.
- Attend through 10% of the course.
- Complete the request for credit by examination form and obtain the course instructor and program advisor signatures.
- Set a date to sit for the examination.
- Complete the examination with a grade of 80 or higher.
- If grade of 80 or higher is earned, the Instructor will complete the request for credit by examination form and sign to award grade of ‘CR’ on student’s transcript. If grade us 79 or below, the student will remain in the course and complete the course requirements as stated in the syllabus.
- Eligibility Criteria (Students who are currently working in the HIM or medical records field and have been employed in that field for 5 or more years may be eligible to receive credit by examination. Documentation of employment is REQUIRED in the form of an employer letter).
- Option 2: Advanced Placement Online Program
- Eligibility Criteria (Students who are currently employed in the HIM or medical records field who meet the following pre-requisites)
- Must be a high school graduate or hold high school equivalency diploma
- Must have 2.5 GPA in general education and recommended courses for the program.
- Must be currently working in a healthcare facility.
- Must have completed the MTCC Application Process and HIT Program Intake Packet.
- Medical Form, Immunizations and Criminal Background Check and Drug Screen due January 1 of each year.
- Must attend Program Orientation in December (date provided in acceptance letter)
- Must have confirmed clinical site placement (coordinated by the program director)
- Complete the following courses with a grade of ‘C’ or better and/or in progress at the time program application is submitted:
BIO 163 OR BIO 168/169
ENG 111 and ENG 112
MAT 152
CIS 111 or CIS 110
MED 121 and MED 122
ACA 115
Humanities/Arts Elective and Social Science Elective
- Eligibility Criteria (Students who are currently employed in the HIM or medical records field who meet the following pre-requisites)
Dress Code Guidelines for Career & Technical Programs
Health Information Technology Program Expectations
Purpose: To determine proper dress for students in specific program areas, as nearly aligned with business and industrial dress requirements as practicable. To establish student dress which will aid in developing pride in onesself as well as in the school and to foster self-respect.
The very nature of career & technical education indicates the need for professional student dress. This is justifiable because of safety factors, as well as the desire to develop status in one’s chosen career. It is understood that the nature of the work in some programs is extremely dirty and in others hazardous. Student dress and cleanliness should be an integral part of the total educational program.
A student coming to class, and being enrolled in the Health Information Technology program, you are expected to follow these guidelines for the following reasons:
- The Program may, at times, host visitors from Professional Practice Sites
- Participates in sending students to professional practice and working closely with healthcare agencies and preceptors
Proper attire by all students will create pride in one’s school, as well as giving the visitors a favorable impression. Many of these visitors will be future employers of our students; and first impressions are lasting. In addition, employee appearance contributes to McDowell Tech’s culture and reputation, employees and students are expected to present themselves in a professional manner that results in a favorable impression by clients and customers. Reasonable accommodations will be made where required.
Appropriate Attire: Basic elements for appropriate and professional business attire include clothing that is in neat and clean condition. Appropriate workplace dress does not include clothing that is too tight or revealing; clothing with rips, tears or frays; or any extreme style or fashion in dress, footwear, accessories, fragrances or unnatural hair colors.
Business casual dress:
Business casual dress is the expectation for visiting or attending a professional practice site. When meeting clients, business professional dress guidelines must be observed, unless the client has specifically requested otherwise.
- Casual shirts: All shirts with collars, business casual crew neck or V-neck shirts, blouses, and golf and polo shirts. Examples of inappropriate shirts include T-shirts, shirts with inappropriate slogans, tank tops, muscle shirts, camouflage and crop tops.
- Pants: Casual slacks and trousers and jeans without holes, frays, etc. Examples of inappropriate pants include shorts, camouflage, and pants worn below the waist or hip line.
- Footwear: Casual slip-on or tie shoes, dress sandals (no flip flops), and clean athletic shoes. Examples of inappropriate footwear include flip-flops and construction or hunting boots.
The standard uniform color is determined by the program director or lead instructor. Details regarding specific program uniforms are covered at the mandatory program orientation at the beginning of each semester.
- All uniforms must be neat and clean; no loose or torn clothing.
- Shirts must be of a reasonable length, free of wrinkles tucked in; and pants pulled up to the waist.
- Shoes appropriate to the program (laces secured).
- Facial piercings may need to be removed or covered with a band aid.
- Visible tattoos must be covered.
- Each student is expected to attend class on time and regularly. Dress for the classroom or lab is considered casual dress by following these guidelines.
- An approved uniform must be worn while working on approved school projects outside the classroom or lab, such as those hosted by a clinical agency.
- All bags (i.e. book bags, backpacks, duffel, gym, etc.) must be placed in a specifically designed area determined by the instructor.
- Pants must be worn at the natural waist and fit comfortably.
- All shirts and blouses are to be properly buttoned except for the collar button.
- Long hair on students must be clean and well-groomed.
- The Program faculty will make any necessary decision on any questions regarding student dress. Students with questionable dress will be referred to administration.
- Jewelry featuring satanic cult references, weapons, drug paraphernalia, color beads and rosary beads.
- Halter tops, cut-offs, bare midriffs, muscle shirts, see through apparel including mesh shirts and visible undergarments.
- Obscene, sexually discriminating, drug, offensive or suggestive words or graphics, tobacco, or alcohol related messages on clothing.
- Unsafe footwear as determined by the program instructor.
- Studded or spiked belts, gauntlets, bracelets, jackets, metal cleats, chains, handcuffs, dog collars or wallet chains, etc.
- Excessively torn or revealing low cut tops that expose the bosoms or other clothing worn in a fashion that displays the anatomy.
- Spandex clothing and tank tops worn without another layer.
- Bare feet and bathing suits.
- Hats, bandannas or headgear may not be worn in the school cafeteria, halls, offices or classrooms. Hats may be worn when exiting the school. Female students may wear appropriate head wear that is stylish but not considered gang related.
- Visible undergarments.
- Excessively short skirts and mini dresses.
- Other apparel deemed unsafe or inappropriate by instructors or Administrators.