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Professional Practice Experience (Clinical) Requirements

Required by Clinical Agencies

Health and background requirements are controlled by clinical agencies. Applicants must be cleared by clinical agencies several weeks prior to attending clinical. Therefore, most of these requirements must be completed prior to registration or program admission. Others must be renewed after program admission. Clinical agencies may require that background and drug screening be repeated at any time after program admission. Clinical facilities may require criminal background checks, drug screenings, credit checks, and/or proof of US citizenship prior to or during participation in the clinical portion of a program. Any expenses associated with these requirements are the responsibility of the student. Pending the outcome, clinical facilities may deny a student the opportunity to complete the clinical portion of a program. A student who is unable to complete the clinical portion of a program will not be able to graduate.
  • Should a student seek a clinical site new to MTCC, input/effort from the student needing the site is necessary. Clinical sites must be approved by MTCC and a formal contract signed by the clinical site administrator or PPE Preceptor prior to student attendance must have been properly executed between all parties before assignment is made.
  • Students currently working in healthcare should note that PPE may not be fulfilled in the same department in which they are employed and it is expected that PPE be completed during normal business hours (Monday-Friday).
  • For students residing in proximity to MTCC, PPE is scheduled at sites within a 40-60 mile commuting distance of the college.
  • Student attire at the professional practice site shall consist of clothing that is neat and allows the student to present himself in a professional manner that is consistent with acceptable professional dress in the workplace, students should follow this guidelines listed below:
    • Student transportation and all costs involved in the performance of professional practice duties shall be assumed by the student. Student car pools are the responsibility of the individual students and are not the responsibility of the HIT Program or the College.
    • A student currently or previously employed in a health care facility will generally not be assigned to that facility for the primary professional practice experience. To do so could create difficulty in assessing student performance. 
    • Female students are expected to wear clothing with a skirt length satisfactory to cover the mid portion of the knee. Dress pants/slacks are acceptable.
    • Male students are expected to dress in a likewise professional manner which should include tailored slacks and dress shirt, tie is optional. 
    • Blue jeans, shorts, halter tops, tee shirts with graphic/written patterns or other attire deemed to be inappropriate by the HIT Faculty or the Professional practice site shall not be allowed.
    • Shoes should be comfortable, well cared for and should be appropriate for professional attire. No tennis/athletic shoes, boots, clog-type shoes shall be allowed. Of particular note is that the attention that should be paid to safety, and for this reason, the wearing of heels of an excessively high nature is discouraged. 
    • In order to maintain a professional appearance, students will not be allowed to wear multiple earrings in each ear, or have jewelry or body piercing other than the ears or have visible tattoo(s) showing during the PPE site placement. 
    • Students must practice appropriate hygiene and grooming. Daily showers, brushing of teeth/mouthwash, and use of deodorants are encouraged. Nail color should be neutral. Male students with facial hair should keep this neatly trimmed. Hair is expected to be styled neatly, no unnatural hair color is accepted. 
    • While at the professional practice site, students must wear a name photo ID name tag issued by MTCC which shall identify them as a Health Information Technology student representing McDowell Technical Community College. 
    • Students are to park only in the areas designated by the professional practice site for student use. All costs incurred as a result of parking are the responsibility of the student. 
Please use the Medical Form attached below to view the specific immunization requirements. 
HIT Medical Form 2022 - 23
HIT Medical Form 2022 - 23