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Route 70 Cruisers Funds MTCC Scholarships for 11 Straight Years

The Route 70 Cruisers, a local car club based in Old Fort NC, made not one, but two, donations to the McDowell Technical Community College Foundation in recent weeks in two different program areas at the college: Automotive Systems Technology and Basic Law Enforcement.

In the first photo, members Phillip Poe (Co-Chair, Route 70 Cruisers), Janet Spake (Co-Chair, Route 70 Cruisers and Lawrence Reel presented Automotive Instructor Donnie McCraw (center) and Dr. Brian S. Merritt (r) a check for $1,000 for student scholarships in the automotive program. Phillip Poe, at right in second photo, presented a check for $500 for use in the Basic Law Enforcement Program to Alan Moore, Director of the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program.

This is the 11th consecutive year that the Route 70 Cruisers have provided scholarship funds to the college, but this is the first year they have added funds for the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program.

“We are grateful to the Route 70 Cruisers Car Club for their ongoing support of our students throughout the years,” said Dr. Brian S. Merritt, the MTCC President. “It is through donations like these that we are able to learn and grow and promote student success in each of our programs. Thank you, Route 70!””

For scholarship criteria and applications, contact the Financial Aid Office in the Cedar Building on the main campus at McDowell Tech, or contact Amanda Buchanan, Director of Financial Aid at or Alan Moore at .

Phillip Poe, Janet Spake, Donnie McCraw (Automotive Instructor), Lawrence Reel and Dr. Brian S. Merritt, MTCC President
Alan Moore Director of Law Enforcement Training Center and Phillip Poe Route 70 Cruisers.jpg
images from the 2025 photography show

McDowell Tech Photography Students Showcase Work at MACA, Now Including Documentary Films

McDowell Technical Community College announced today that the college’s photographic technology program will once again host its annual student gallery exhibit at McDowell Arts Council Association (MACA). This year’s exhibit, which runs from March 13th through the end of March, offers visitors a chance to experience a diverse range of photographic work from emerging student photographers — and for the first time ever, documentary films will also be featured.

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Artwork by Lexie Sheffer

MACA To Host McDowell Tech Graphic Design Show Throughout February

McDowell Technical Community College is pleased to announce the opening of the college’s annual graphic design exhibit at McDowell Arts Council Association (MACA) on Main Street in Marion, showcasing academic and personal projects completed by fourteen students in the college’s Graphic Design program. The exhibit is free and open to the public during regular business hours for the entire month of February.

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