McDowell Technical Community College welcomed two new members and two returning members to the college’s board of trustees during a regularly scheduled meeting of the board on Thursday night, August 11th, 2022. Judge Bob Hunter of Marion (Court of Appeals, retired) swore in the new members.

Susan English and Nancy Hunter were reappointed to new terms by the Office of the NC Governor and McDowell County Board of Education, respectively. Their terms will end on June 30, 2026.
Brenda Vaughn and Chad Marsh were appointed to their first term on the board by the McDowell County Board of Commissioners. Vaughn’s term will also end on June 30, 2026. Marsh will fill an unexpired term previously held by former Superintendent of McDowell County Schools Mark Garrett. Marsh’s term will expire on June 30, 2024.
During the same meeting, board members re-elected Gary Stroud and Nancy Hunter to serve as chair and vice-chair of the board, respectively. Dr. Brian S. Merritt was elected to serve as the board’s official secretary for the coming year.
Photo, left-to-right:
Nancy Hunter, Reappointed by the McDowell County Board of Education
Susan English, Reappointed by the Governor’s Office
Dr. Brian S. Merritt, MTCC President
Gary Stroud, BOT Chairman
Judge Bob Hunter, Court of Appeals, retired
Brenda Vaughn, Appointed by the McDowell County Commissioners
Chad Marsh, Appointed by the McDowell County Commissioners