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MTCC Honors List Recipients, Spring 2023

Congratulations to the following students who made the Dean’s, President’s and Honors Lists at McDowell Technical Community College during the Spring Semester, 2023:

President's List

Summer R. Alkire Marion
Brianna S. Bah Old Fort
Arianna C. Bah Old Fort
Brandon S. Bailey Old Fort
Michael S. Banks Nebo
Taylor G. Beck Marion
Ms. Chasity Bright Nebo
Tommy K. Bumgarner Bostic
Christopher D. Burleson Marion
Allison N. Burnette Marion
Heather M. Burnette Marion
Samantha L. Cadwell Nebo
Emily L. Cannon Marion
Natalie B. Carlton Nebo
Martin Chavez Old Fort
Jocelyn M. Childres Old Fort
Cheyanne E. Condrey Marion
Falon R. Cornett Nebo
Thomas L. Creal Marion
Emily L. Crisp Nebo
Scarlett R. Curtis Nebo
Caden S. Davis Marion
Christopher J. Dellinger Marion
Michael M. Distler Marion
Asher E. Dunning Black Mountain
Kaden H. Elkins Marion
Jay A. English Marion
Avery C. Freeman Old Fort
Hayley A. Garretson Nebo
Jessica L. Garretson Nebo
Joshua I. Gibson Marion
Hazel C. Good Marion
Alekxander R. Gouge Marion
Ms. Haley B. Grant Old Fort
Christopher T. Grant Old Fort
Braydin A. Hamby Union Mills
Jacob A. Hanlon Marion
Lauren B. Hansberger Marion
McKenzie L. Hartman Old Fort
Jarrod D. Hausley Lawndale
Troy W. Hendley Marion
Victoria L. Hensley Marion
Carlee G. Hipps Nebo
Tiffany Hollifield Nebo
Jennifer L. Howerth Marion
Tristin J. Huntsinger Marion
Gwendolyn C. Johnson Nebo
Joshua A. Jones Marion
Todd S. Kendrick Nebo
Hannah E. Killough Marion
Victoria A. Kirby Nebo
Aubrey S. Kuykendall Marion
Isabella Lawing Nebo
Aubrey C. Lewis Marion
Colton T. Loftin Marion
Melissa A. Lovette Forest City
Daniel G. LunsfordOld Fort
Luke E. LytleOld Fort
Mary A. MacdonaldMarion
Ashley N. MartinezOld Fort
Ivan A. MayMarion
Samantha A. McKinneyMarion
Brookshire MerrittOld Fort
Zachary C. MorganNebo
Tori M. OllisMarion
Richard D. OwenbyMorganton
Charla M. ParksMarion
Ms. Nicole M. ParrishMarion
Ms. Ansley M. PatrickNebo
Saige A. PattersonMarion
Chloe E. PhillipsMarion
Alisha D. PittsMarion
Megan G. PressleyNebo
Lily G. PreswoodMarion
Dylan H. PriceMarion
Allison N. ProctorMarion
Dominic RajagopalOld Fort
Rachel N. RayNebo
Hunter L. RhodesNebo
Samuel R. RhomMarion
Samantha A. RobinsonMarion
Jake W. RobinsonMarion
Mayra E. Rodriguez PadillaMarion
Netta S. ShedlockMarion
Andrew R. ShellMorganton
Rebecca R. SilverNebo
Joshua T. SmithMarion
Kiara E. SmithUnion Mills
Marianne M. SmithMorganton
Santana F. SparksSpruce Pine
Adam L. SparksSpruce Pine
Robert E. StevensMarion
Zechariah E. StokelyNebo
Taylor B. StroudMarion
Avery M. SwangerOld Fort
Vu D. TranMorganton
Donald J. VessOld Fort
Jordan N. VictorNebo
Bailey G. WebbNebo
Makana J. WohnusMarion
Cassondra L. WoodsMarion
Taylor K. WoodyMarion
Kenna L. YoungNebo

Dean's List

Payton A. Adkins Swannanoa
Jeremiah D. Ammons Marion
Destiny M. Bartlett Marion
Angela Buchanan Marion
Ariana G. Byrd Marion
Jonathan L. Cook Union Mills
Jackson E. Dowdle Marion
Kaley L. Ellis Marion
Lindsey K. Freeman Morganton
McKenna F. Garner Marion
Angela D. Horney Marion
Matthew C. Johnson Marion
Jesse A. Kramer Old Fort
Mason A. Kuykendall Marion
Chloe R. Laws Marion
Hunter B. McIntosh Marion
Ronnie E. Norton Nebo
Taylor A. Poore Marion
Claire B. Ramsey Marion
Lauren E. Ray Marion
Holly M. Schism Marion
Jessica L. Smith Marion
Jesus J. Velazquez Marion
Matthew R. Waldrop Marion
Cale G. Wolfenbarger Nebo

Honors List

Morgan P. Baker Marion
Eden J. Burgin Old Fort
Sarah M. Davidson Old Fort
Chelsea A. Davis Old Fort
Jessica R. Davis Union Mills
Madison F. Davis Nebo
Frederick S. Dunning Swannanoa
Jadeyn D. Favrot Fairview
De’Shajuan E. Ferguson Marion
Tate J. Galbreath Marion
Jared M. Gragg Marion
Mollie C. Greene Marion
Sierra N. Hampton Marion
Kayla L. Ingle Nebo
Miria J. Jones Marion
Cristina C. Juarez Marion
Emir Juarez Azpeitia Marion
Karlie L. Kemper Old Fort
Hayley L. KeseckerNebo
Jacob D. MarshNebo
Esther X. MillerOld Fort
Kc T. MillerMarion
Taylor F. MorganMarion
John B. NelsonMorganton
Michael S. QueenMorganton
Sofia Rincon CardenasNebo
Freddy Rodriguez RamirezMarion
Jocelyn Rojo GasparSwannanoa
Adeline M. SteeleMorganton
Abby M. SteppOld Fort
Ceyleah K. VanceMorganton
Andrew G. WalkerMarion
Austin M. WardRutherfordton
Natalie A. WardOld Fort
Jonathan C. WrightMarion

Professional Development Workshops at McDowell Tech to Explore AI in Education

In an effort to equip educators and staff with the knowledge and tools to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their work, Dr. Lane Freeman from the NC Community College System Office will be leading half-day professional development workshops at McDowell Technical Community College on Thursday and Friday, February 6-7. The workshops will combine presentations with practical applications of AI said Dr. J.W. Kelley, McDowell Tech President.

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McDowell Tech Holds Ribbon Cutting for New Workforce Education Center in Old Fort

McDowell Technical Community College, alongside local dignitaries and partner organizations, held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the college’s new Workforce Education Center in Old Fort, NC on Wednesday, the college’s first presence in the town. The new center will provide workforce training opportunities and diversify the local and regional economy with focused opportunities in manufacturing, construction, trail development and other areas with emerging workforce needs.

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