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Mission Statement and Policies

Mission Statement

The mission of McDowell Technical Community College’s Library is – SERVICE. Library Services is presently comprised of the Library, audiovisual/video equipment and materials, and electronic resources. The Library, within budgetary limitations, strives to support the curriculum of the college and to enhance the teaching/learning process for students, faculty and the local community.


1. The library is a study area in which reasonable quiet is essential.

2. The MTCC Library is available for use by all citizens of McDowell County. In order to check out books and/or materials, one must be 18 years of age and live in McDowell County, a student of McDowell Early College, or at least 16 years of age and a student at MTCC.

3. Each patron will be issued a library card for free. There is a charge for replacement cards.

4. Each borrower is responsible for the proper use and safety of all library materials charged to his or her name. Normal book checkout is 2-3 weeks. First time users may only check out three books.

5. Overdue fines are charged for each weekday beyond the due date (located in the back of the book). When a book is overdue, a notice will be sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive one will not be considered reason for cancellation of fines. ALL FINES MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE STUDENT IS ALLOWED TO REGISTER, GRADUATE, OR RECEIVE TRANSCRIPTS.

6. Books may be renewed if there is not a hold placed on them by another patron.

Remote Access

To use NC LIVE, or any of our other online databases, patrons may come to the Library to receive a library card or call us at 828-652-0604 to be added to our system. Ask the librarian for the off-site password at this time.

Access is also available through distance learning (LMS). The card catalog is accessible for browsing, but books are available for checkout only at the library.

Inter-library Loan

Patrons must have a current library card and no fines or history of late fees to request books from other libraries. Submit the Author and Title information to the circulation desk, or by email, to the Director of Library Services. This process takes 2 days to 2 weeks, depending on availability. Books must be picked up at the circulation desk when available.