MTCC Closed Through October 4th, Staff to Help With Supply Distribution

Distribution Center

Due to the continued state of emergency and the difficult situation with the loss of power and water in many communities throughout McDowell County, McDowell Technical Community College President Dr. J.W. Kelley announced today that McDowell Technical Community College will be closed through October 4th. Essential staff at the college will return to work in a phased process and are being notified of specific work schedules and responsibilities during this critical time.

Eleanor Woods Is 2024 Staff Member of the Year at MTCC

Eleanor Woods Is 2024 Staff Member of the Year at MTCC

Marion- In her recent introduction of McDowell Technical Community College’s Staff Member of the Year, Vice-President for Academics and Student Services Valerie Dobson teased the name of the winner to an audience of faculty and staff members who had packed out the college auditorium. “When this individual changed positions in the Spring of 2023,” she said, “we knew she would do great things, but we had no idea that she would breath such life and joy into her new work. From time-to-time, she will share a cup of joe with you, with students or anyone else who enters our bookstore space.”

MTCC Consistently One of the Top 20 Community Colleges in the Nation

MTCC Simulation Lab

McDowell Technical Community College has once again been named one of the nation’s top 20 community colleges by SmartAssetTM, an online financial technology company which describes itself as having “…the best personal finance advice on the web.” It is the fifth time that McDowell Tech has achieved top 20 status in the ranking, moving up two spots this year, from number 18 to number 16.

Access to Achievement Coordinator Sarah Jaynes Hits the Ground Running

311 Sarah Jaynes (r) talks to Lita Souther, one of the students she works with in the Access to Achievement Program.

McDowell Technical Community College’s first Access to Achievement Coordinator, Sarah Jaynes, is taking big strides as she works to implement individualized strategies to help students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to be successful in academic programs or vocational training at McDowell Tech.

Funding From Mexican Consulate and Centro Unido Provide Twenty Workforce Education Scholarships

WE check presentation

For the second year in a row, the Consulate General of Mexico in North Carolina has awarded McDowell Technical Community College an IME-BECAS Grant (Institute for Mexicans Abroad) in the amount of $2,000 to fund scholarships for Mexican students or students of Mexican origin to complete short-term workforce development programs at the college. The funds have been matched by Centro Unido Latino Americano (CULA), a local Hispanic advocacy non-profit, allowing the college to provide $200 scholarships to 20 individuals during the current academic year.

Crane Charitable Funds Invests In McDowell Tech Students

crane charitable funds

The McDowell Technical Community College Foundation recently received a check in the amount of $6,000 from Crane Charitable Funds, presented by local partners at Crane ChemPharma Resistoflex in Marion, to support scholarships and the college’s student emergency fund. Johnnie Davis, a Crane ChemPharma & Energy associate, recommended that the college receive these funds just prior to her recent retirement. Davis is a strong McDowell Tech supporter and has served on the MTCC Foundation Board of Directors for many years.

Berlick and Pyatt Join MTCC Foundation Board of Directors

Dr. J.W. Kelley, MTCC President; Scott Pyatt and Richard Berlick, new members of the MTCC Foundation; Wes Shelley, MTCC Foundation Chair; and Madalyn Gaito, Director of Development and Board Liaison.

Wes Shelley, Chair of the MTCC Foundation Board of Directors, welcomed two new members to the board at the organization’s quarterly meeting at Universal Advanced Manufacturing Center on Wednesday, August 21st. Scott Pyatt and Richard Berlick were nominated and voted on during the board’s May meeting.

MTCC Honors List Recipients, Summer 2024

McDowell Tech, Learning for Life

Congratulations to the following students who made the Dean’s, President’s and Honors Lists at McDowell Technical Community College during the summer semester, 2024:

Growth and Progress Highlight Reports to MTCC Board of Trustees

Logo of MTCC with Learning For Life written underneath

When the McDowell Technical Community College Board of Trustees met in regular session on August 8th to conduct monthly business for the college, Vice-Presidents Valerie Brown and Stacy Buff presented trustees with a very positive year-end outcomes and progress report for the college’s Vision 2025 project. Vision 2025 contains specific goals set by the college to increase access, achievement and other factors related to student success and workforce development (

Room at MTCC Dedicated in Honor of the Rotary Club of Marion

Members of the Rotary Club of Marion gather for the dedication of a multipurpose training in their honor at MTCC.

Thanks to generous donations by the Rotary Club of Marion and friends of Rotary, scholarship giving to the McDowell Technical Community College Foundation got a big shot in the arm last week just as the college began welcoming students back to campus for the 2024 academic year. In recognition of their gifts, the college welcomed Rotarians and other friends to campus last Thursday to dedicate a multipurpose training room in the Dogwood Building in their honor.