The McDowell Technical Community College Foundation Board is currently seeking applications for individuals interested in serving a three-year term as a Foundation Board Member, promoting, developing and encouraging public support of McDowell Technical Community College.

“Our Foundation Board plays an integral role in supporting our students, our programs, our faculty and our facilities at McDowell Tech,” said Dr. Brian S. Merritt, MTCC President. “Scholarships and emergency assistance provided by the MTCC Foundation can help students persist towards credentials that lead to good jobs with a family-sustaining wage. We appreciate the advocacy of our Foundation Board member; they help lift people out of poverty.”
The MTCC Foundation meets approximately four times per year. Committees of the board may meet occasionally to carry out specific board functions outside of designated board meetings. Board members are expected to attend all meetings and make an annual financial contribution to the Foundation that is meaningful to them.
Application forms are available on the Foundation’s website at . Completed applications should be emailed to [email protected] by Monday April 20th for full consideration. A nominating committee of the Foundation Board will review applications and present them to the board for consideration and approval at the board’s regularly scheduled meeting on May 18th. Selected board members must attend an orientation meeting prior to the board’s August meeting.
“Our primary mission at McDowell Tech is to provide access to student-centered, affordable, high-quality, lifelong learning opportunities, and the work our Foundation board members do is a critical part of our efforts,” said Merritt. “They help us build and maintain strong programs that promote workforce development and support our continued work towards our College’s Vision to Learn and Grow to better support individuals, our community, and our institution.”
Photo: The MTCC Foundation Board met in August, 2021 for a regularly scheduled meeting and new member board orientation.
At just 24 years of age, McDowell Technical Community College graduate Andrea Wood has already seen more tragedy, trauma and death in her young life than anyone should have to see in a lifetime, and then some.
As a lead truck medic with McDowell County EMS, she has administered life-saving techniques at the scene of automobile accidents, dispensed emergency medications to people suffering a heart attack or experiencing a stroke, and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on people of all ages whose heart or lungs have stopped functioning for one reason or another.